Thursday, April 28, 2011

day 118: april 28th

Ahhh. What an insanely crazy week it has been. And not so much in a good way. My plan was to get caught up on ALL of my editing. Obviously that has not happened. First, smart person that I am, I left my battery charger in California. So, no camera because there is no charger to be found until the end of the week in any of the stores. Monday rolls around and my computer won't start. 2 1/2 years of pictures gone forever. The mac specialists could not fix it. I will admit, I cried. And was sick for two days straight. Luckily, I found an AWESOME disc recovery specialist and he was able to save all the important things on it for me. My week got immensly better from that time on. My only problems now is that I don't have photoshop or a usable computer at the moment. SO. That means no editing or any work done for me. I have taken advantage after the stress out episodes and am enjoying not working for the moment. Because next week, we will be playing catch up all over again!

Like fathers like sons, or so they say. Apparently the competition starts at a fairly young age!

day 117: april 27th


Just another day to play at Superman

day 116: april 26th


(don't you love the spit you can see flying out of his mouth? Makes you wonder what you ate when he blew the candles out on his birthday cake.)

day 115: april 25th

We got to spend the day at the tide pools in southern california today. We found lots of treasures! (Cole was in heaven with all the buried treasure he found. For example. The dead crab. That he wanted to take home. And the other dead crab legs that he did take and stunk up the hotel room for the night. We could not figure out where the dead fish smell was coming from. It was Cole's bucket. Needless to say, the bucket did not get brought home.)


(I know it is so random how I am posting these. My computer memory is 100% full and I have had six sessions to edit and so all of my everyday pictures have taken a back seat to be downloaded. I did find this one though and thought I would post it. Hopefully I can catch up and upload the rest in the next day or two. Fingers crossed!!)

day 114: april 24th

Happy Easter Sunday.
“Because I live, ye shall live also.” (John 14:19)


day 113: april 23rd


day 112: april 22nd


day 111: april 21st


"We are leavin on a jet plane!"

(to california)

day 110: april 20th


Chocolate cupcakes and BYU: Two of our eight year old's favorite things.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

day 109: april 19th

Today was Jake's LAST back poke. Ever. Hooray! It also marks his three year diagnoses date. We are so proud of this kid for all that he has dealt with in his little life.

day 108: april 18th


day 107: april 17th

This picture makes me laugh. All four of them look like they are being tortured!!

day 106: april 16th

Today it was slightly warm enough to go SWIMMING! It was a little bit of heaven. And made us even more anxious for summer to hurry up and get here. These are my favorite kind of days!!!

day 105: April 15th


day 104: April 14th

Cole's first soccer game of the season.

day 103: April 13th

Today our gigi and the boys' aunts came to visit for a few days...

day 102: April 12th

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day 101: April 11th

Crew got his tonsils out today. Hopefully this will take care of his 'breathing at night' problem. The kid snores like nothing you have ever heard. Apparently his tonsils were rather large when they pulled them out. About the size of a ping pong ball. No wonder he couldn't breathe when he was lying down. Poor kid.

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(So of course I forgot my camera. These were taken with Jeff's phone. Not the greatest, but at least I got some pics. And still playing random catch up here. We couldn't figure out how to get the pictures downloaded to the computer.)

day 100: April 10th


(Today was a total cheat day. This picture was taken back in January. But I did not pick my camera up once today and have been wanting to use this)

day 99: April 9th

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Monday, April 11, 2011

day 93: April 3rd

My computer is completely full which means I cannot download any new pictures. I have spent the last week trying to make more room on it... it is not going so well. I have WAY too many pictures on the darn thing!

I LOVE general conference sundays... being lazy, yummy food, jammies, family time and listening to the prophet of our church. It does not get much better than that.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

day 92: April 2nd


We spent the morning at the pool and then drove home today.

(To clarify the picture... it is of Crew's 'cow milk'. We found the bucket at the store a few months ago and he has been carrying it around with him ever since. He calls it his COW MILK if you have not already guessed. It is filled with all his stuff. His sharks, elephants, zebras... you name it, it goes in there. And it is attached at his hip. It goes to dinners and bed and everywhere with him.)

(Also, in a couple of days you can click here to see the rest of our vacation pictures. I will not be putting them up tonight considering it took me all day just to get caught up on here!:)

day 91: April 1st

A perfect day. 90 degrees and sunny and spent at the pool...

day 90: March 31st


We made our way down to Vegas today and found these awesome donuts at the hotel. That is Cole behind there, and yes, the donut is larger than his face!!

day 89: March 30th


Played with some of our best friends that left us a few years ago for St. George. They have three boys exactly Jake and Cole and Crew's ages. The boys still ask if we can move there just so we can be close to them.

day 88: March 29th


We spent the day at the lake playing in the sand and then watching Percy Jackson in the theatre. Much fun. And much nicer than the snow in Utah.

day 87: March 28th

Today was the boys first day of Spring Break and I had no desire to stick around the cold weather, so we hopped in the car and went to St. George and Las Vegas for the week! Jeff had to stay home and work, so it was just me and the boys and Holli. We met my mom in Vegas on Wednesday.


day 86: March 27th

Uh-oh! Looks like a little corner time!

day 85: march 26th

Another try at 'the Chocolate'. Luckily, no ER visits this time around.

day 84: March 25th


day 83: March 24th


I noticed Crew's light was on as I was going to bed as is typical of this little man, and this is what I found: Crew asleep on the floor (please no comments about the binky. I am trying to make myself feel better that he still has one by telling myself it is for his 'grinding teeth' purposes) with all of his animals lined up from wall to wall.

day 82: March 23rd

So.... once again, I am slightly behind. My excuse this time is we were vacationing for Spring Break (yay!) and had no internet access. I think it is a pretty good excuse actually!:)

TODAY was grandparents day at Jake's school. He got to invite all of his grandma's and grandpa's and participate in a program just for them. He has been so excited all week. Here are some pictures with him and his grandparents. Because I didn't get to go to the school and gigi and pa were not able to attend, these were obviously taken last year.