Friday, September 16, 2011

day 259: September 16th


We went and saw the witches at Gardner Village today. And then got poured on while walking back to the car. Here comes fall!

day 258: September 15th

Our Crewser's first field trip. We went to Wheeler Farm.

day 257: September 14th


Craziest thing happened today. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bird land on the fence and realized it was a hawk. I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture and not twenty seconds later, he swooped down into the bushes and grabbed a quail.

day 256: September 13th


Crew and Isabelle. We love having this cute girl around. She is very entertaining and keeps my boys occupied all day playing Barbie's and house. I think it's good for them!

day 255: September 12th


One of the best things that has come from living with my mom, is Jake and Pa Rand's nightly talks. Pa talks to him for almost an hour every night and puts him to bed. He has heard story after story and learned all of the states in the US and who knows what else! You can hear the two of them giggling like crazy in that room. It will be hard not to have Pa there every night when we move. He will just have to come over and tuck Jakers in bed!:)

day 254: September 11th

girl with flag

Today we are remembering the September 11th attacks ten years ago today. We were living in Kansas at the time. I remember cars lined up and down the roads at the gas stations and then wondering what was going on. I was driving home from school and flicked on the radio. Every station was broadcasting what had happened... and then sitting in our family room listening to the news on the radio all afternoon and night. It did not affect me as closely as others, but it is still a day that I will never forget.

I obviously did not take this picture, but it is the one that I remember the most from that day and touched my heart in a way that makes me remember.

day 253: September 10th


day 252: September 9th


day 251: September 8th

Crew's very first day of preschool. He was more than ready. I was not. It made me so sad to drop him off considering my baby is now starting school. BUT I do enjoy having four whole hours a week to myself. I kinda look forward to it.

day 250: September 7th


Piano has begun again... this time with four of us taking. It makes for a busy Wednesday.

day 249: September 6th


"If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks… But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Michael Jordan

day 248: September 5th


A day at Pa's lake.

day 247: September 4th


On your mark... get set... go!!!

Jeff was the greatest entertainer for these kiddos on this trip. They had races, played spy kids and ran away from the ninjas. I am pretty sure he is still a kid himself!

day 246: September 3rd


We went to the pier in Santa Cruz today and rode the rides and froze our tails off. It was COLD!

day 245: September 2nd


From the top of Lumbar Street in San Fran

day 244: September 1st

We are on our way to San Francisco today! We stopped in Sacramento to get an Orange Freeze and let the boys stretch their legs for a little bit (it was a REALLY long car ride.) I still crave those things after seven years.

day 243: August 31st


At the Children's Gardens at Thanksgiving Point.

day 242: August 30th


day 241: August 29th


day 240: August 28th


day 239: August 27th

Crewsers and his gramsies...

day 238: August 26th


Totally random, I know. We went to a back to school picnic lunch today and this is one of the only pictures I ended up with.

day 237: August 25th
