Monday, January 23, 2012

10 on 10

I saw this post on someone else's blog and am totally copying the idea as well. On the 10th of every month, you take 10 pictures throughout the day and post them. I know it is past the 10th, but wanted to do it this month, so I figured, better late than never! It was a fun project, but a time consuming one to make sure I lug my camera around all day. Not to mention the fact that we were lazy and did nothing all day today.

1. A little stink trying to get me to come and find him.
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2. morning prayers
3. Bubby time!
4. Play in your underwear and run all over the house time.
5. My sweet nine year old watching all the kids play at recess.
6. A sweet boy peeking over the fence to try and catch his friends attention. (At this point my heart was aching.)
7.Our WARRIOR bands came in the mail today!
8. Piano practicing
9. We have our own little cookie monster living in our house. He goes by the name of Crew and will eat anything you place in front of him as long as it consists of chocolate, candy, or cookies.
10. More treats in the mail from Aunt Holli

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