Wednesday, August 24, 2011

day 235: August 23rd

This was taken yesterday, but I wanted it up here somewhere! Family pictures. Those of you who say your children are awful and cannot stand getting pictures taken because of how naughty your kids are, do not worry! I have had ten thousand times worse times a hundred. My children were HORRIBLE. Actually, two of them were horrible. The baby of the family was great. The two oldest, not so much. They did not get an ice cream as promised. Naughty children.

day 234: August 22nd


First day back at school! Hooray! I can't believe the summer has come and gone. It really and truly flew by this year!

day 233: August 21st

I got to drive up to Albion Basin today. The flowers were incredible!

day 232: August 20th


I walked outside today and this is what I found.

Friday, August 19, 2011

day 231: August 19th


Getting ready to watch Tangled out on the tramp tonight.

day 230: August 18th


It has begun. Three soccer games all at the same time. I went to Crew's first game. He thought he was the coolest thing ever. And the head band he found kills me. The child definatley has a mind of his own.

Cole scored the first goal of the season, and considering how much Jake did not want to play, he has now decided he LOVES soccer.

day 229: August 17th


We took the boys miniature golfing this afternoon. It was insanely HOT. But it was lots of fun. We have decided that every person in our family is competitive. No one likes to lose. At all. Crew was the best as he would growl and grunt if he missed the ball and would not allow Jeff to help him hold the club. He had to do it on his own. It was also quite funny to watch the boys laugh at Jeff as we all got a hole in one on the last hole except for Jeff. In fact, I think we all got a hole in one sometime or other, EXCEPT for Jeff, not including the last hole. The boys thought it was pretty funny considering how competitive he is...

day 228: August 16th


day 227: August 15th


At The Sweet Tooth Fairy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

day 226: August 14th

I took Cole for his 7-year old photo shoot today. This child makes me crazy. I know I am biased, but he is the stinkin cutest thing ever. You can see the rest of his shoot here.

day 225: August 13th


We went to the Alpine Slides in Park City today.

day 224: August 12th


Painting a mural.

day 223: August 11th

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I hear on a daily basis that they want to go to the Dinosaur Museum. Every time I talked to Crew on the phone, it was one of the only things that came out of his mouth. So today we went. And dug for dinosaur bones and built dinosaurs and looked at the massive skeletons and got ice cream at the ice cream parlor when we were done. Have I mentioned how excited I am that they are home?!

day 222: August 10th


Look who is back! Yay! I missed these kiddos like CRAZY!! Never again will they leave for ten days. It was way too long. Crew has not stopped giggling and squeezing my neck and telling me, "I so sited (excited) you back mom!"

(photo was taken by candlelight. Have been wanting to try this forever, and I love how it turned out:)

day 221: August 9th


Starting to pack up all our stuff. Now. If we could just get our acts together and find somewhere to move to...

day 220: August 8th

day 219: August 7th

Ugh. Editing pictures. ALL day. It is nice to have no kids around so I can work and get caught up, but I think I am going blind from staring at the computer all day long.

day 218: August 6th

Home again... with no little ones to greet me. It is so sad and I miss those little munchkins like crazy. They are in Reno with Gigi and Pa and will be until WEDNESDAY! I have NO idea what I am going to do with myself!

So instead of sitting around and being bored today, Holli and I spent the afternoon getting her stuff for school at my favorite store. IKEA. It was great. I love that place and could spend hours there!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

day 217: August 5th


This ended up being an incredible week. It is amazing how you can come to love these sweet girls in just a few short days. I am so sad it is already over. It has once again made me so grateful for our church and has strengthened my testimony to watch and learn from these girls.

day 216: August 4th


"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt

day 215: August 3rd


Me and my mamma. We are so lucky... the first and most likely last girls camp, me, my mom and baby sister are able to go on together.

day 214: August 2nd


"Be still and know I am God." Psalm 46:11

day 213: August 1st

Welcome to Heber Valley Girls Camp. Finally. After tons of work and preparation, we are here. And it is beautiful. And the girls are amazing. And we are having a wonderful time. That work really and truly is worth it in the end.

day 212: July 31st

Frantically preparing for girls camp tomorrow.

day 211: July 30th


day 210: July 29th


Friday, August 5, 2011

day 209: July 28th

This kids belly makes me crazy. I love it. He has the best buddha belly ever.

day 208: July 27th

Brothers hangin' out in their fort.

day 207: July 26th


It was a torrential downpour today. Summer rain showers were always my favorite as a kid and there was no reason to not take advantage of the one today...

day 206: July 25th


Rodeo Time.